Friday, April 24, 2009

A tribute to the emcees of Franciscan Night

Okay. This is a post that is 3 weeks overdue.
In my 1st post of Franciscan's Night, i somehow managed to forget to include the emcees.
So this post is specially for you 3 who made this event a tremendous sucess.

Jameson and Eugene, YOU TWO WERE THE BEST!! The night would not be complete without you. Andre you tried your best, but sadly the you were completly overshadowed by those two. Well better luck next time.

But to Jameson and Eugene, you two complemented each other like bread and butter. Because of you two Franciscan Night is worth remembering.

Thank you for making the night a magnificient point of SFI history. The stories of how Jameson and Eugene conducted the night will be told for generations to come. XD

(Okay maybe i was being a bit far fetched at the last statement...)


But still,

YOU PEOPLE (Including Andre) ROCK!!!!

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